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Smart Cities Center and Data-Mining Technology Set to Create New Wave of Opportunities in Dubai


Smart Cities Center and Data-Mining Technology Set to Create New Wave of Opportunities in Dubai

10347787_10152586029429372_9001392824886029108_n In todayís highly competitive world, big data holds the key to big success in every conceivable field. With the enormous amount of data currently available, better data analysis has become more critical than ever before. It is in this context that a new research technology developed by San Diego State Universityís Center for Information Convergence and Strategy (CICS) raises hopes for public and private sectors in the UAE. The technology mines data from a vast network of media outlets and research tools, and presents the analyzed results through a visual medium. Significantly, San Diego State University is now working with University of Dubai to collaborate their efforts in the fields of research and data collection for the benefit of researchers in the UAE. As part of these efforts, CICS and University of Dubai recently gave a presentation at Dubai Chamber on the new research technology, which would be of relevance to sectors such as healthcare, law enforcement, security, trade, education and public policy. For University of Dubai, an initiative of Dubai Chamber, this is not the first venture in this area. Determined to expand and cultivate a robust pool of projects through enhanced research, data-mining, and new technology, the university has established ties with IBM and announced in May 2014 joint plans to set up Smart Cities Center in Dubai. ìOur mission at the University of Dubai is to develop and educate future leaders of this great country to make a difference in the new world of smart business,î said Dr. Eesa M. Al Bastaki, President of the University of Dubai. ìBy collaborating with global leader like CICS and IBM, we will be able to support the development of a strong human capital innovation system and expand our research capabilities to address the economic challenges,î Dr. Al Bastaki said, adding that the university is committed to support technology and research in the UAE. The focus on research and data-mining has raised optimism in the student community as well who believe the universityís decision will generate new career opportunities. Expressing this hope, Mohammed Abu Hassira, a continuing student at the university, said: ìI am really excited to hear that University of Dubai is enhancing IT infrastructure and research capabilities for effective student learning. I am positive that these developments will have a profound effect on our academic prospects and will definitely help create new career opportunities that were unavailable before.î University of Dubai was one of the pioneering universities in the UAE to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with IBM. IBMís initiative seeks to assist academic institutions by providing educators with the training materials, curriculum guides, software and hardware needed to teach in-demand business and technology skills. The program boasts collaborations and partnerships with more than 1,000 universities across the globe, focusing on Big Data and analytics ñ all of which are designed to prepare students for as many as 4.4 million jobs that will be created worldwide to support Big Data skills by 2015.
