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UD Students Attend Arab Social Media Influencers Award


UD Students Attend Arab Social Media Influencers Award

Dubai, March 17, 2015: A group of UD students participated today in the Arab Social Media Influencers in Dubai. Many celebrities and delegations attended the Summit where celebrities were awarded for their achievements in the social media. UD students had the privilege to network and take photos with many influencers including Mr. Chris Messina, the inventor of Hash-Tag. 988955_10152813918174372_5902619286912299942_n 17691_10152813921704372_5481905452304742785_n 1391474_10152813918789372_8768776796747793273_n 1391474_10152813918959372_5328913058590561699_n 10150815_10152813918579372_7441951841912019605_n 10995691_10152813920839372_1809606164381663969_n 11026052_10152813918674372_837425801336484451_n
