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UD Hosts a Seminar “Preventing ID Theft and Financial Fraud”


UD Hosts a Seminar “Preventing ID Theft and Financial Fraud”

University of Dubai (UD) hosted yesterday a Seminar ìPreventing ID Theft and Financial Fraudî presented by Mr. Rene Van Eertî the Managing Director at IDcentre, a well-known Dutch center specializing in helping organizations combat identity theft and ID document abuse. IDcentre, signed 2 months ago an MOU with UD to develop advanced training courses in UAE. Dr. Harold Koster, Dean of College of Law at University of Dubai, introduced Mr. Van Eert at the start of the Seminar saying that UD is committed to spread awareness in UAE about this complex and important topic, specifically among government entities and financial institutions. Mr. Mr. Van Eert thanked UD for the opportunity and explained to more than 50 attendees the importance of understanding Identity as ìthe state or fact of being the same one as described.î He added that in our modern society, identification is not only used for individuals but also for goods and processes. DSC_1376 DSC_1397 DSC_1408 DSC_1492
