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UD Hosts the 13th IEEE UAE Student Day 2018


UD Hosts the 13th IEEE UAE Student Day 2018

The University of Dubai (UD) hosted the 13th IEEE UAE Student Day 2018 on April 28th, 2018. More than 100 projects were designed, displayed and presented by students from top universities in the United Arab Emirates. The projects were in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, and Software Engineering that are based on innovation in technologies. All projects were judged by experts from industry and academia. Valuable prizes were distributed to the winners of the top innovative projects. UD President and Honorary Chair of IEEE UAE Chapter, Dr. Eesa Al Bastaki, who was also present at the competition, emphasized the significance of hosting such events to unleash the creativity of university students and keep them updated with the recent technological innovations that are shaping the future.† ìWe are proud of our IT students who have participated in this competition through their capstone projects; ìPETER,î an intelligent application that analyzes horsesí performances and health conditions, ìCrime-Tracking System (CTS),î a system that tracks the investigation status of criminal cases and predicts primary suspects, and SHM which stands for Smart Happiness Meter,î he said. PETER won the first place in Software Engineering Project category and SHM won the second place in the Common Service Project category. Dr. Wathiq Mansour, coordinator of the conference and a professor at the university, said that the event demonstrates the growing number of youth projects in this field. The number of projects submitted to the committee reached to 170, 114 of which were selected. “The role of women in engineering has widely increased as a result of the UAEís vision to develop artificial intelligence and modern technological innovations,” said Dr. Samira Al Mulla, researcher and professor at UD.
