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The Happiness and Positivity Council at University of Dubai Sets Its Agenda


The Happiness and Positivity Council at University of Dubai Sets Its Agenda

img_0064 img_0070 img_0073 The Happiness and Positivity Council (HPC) at the University of Dubai (UD) held its first formal meeting on September 27, 2016 at UDís Board Meeting room to set an agenda for creating and maintaining a happy and positive environment. The meeting, which was headed by UD President Dr. Eesa Al Bastaki and attended by the council members, aimed at discussing the mission, vision, goals, objectives, tasks, activities and suggested indexes of the council. During the meeting, Dr. Al Bastaki stated that ìhappiness is not just to be happy yourself, but also to make others happy too.î ìConsequently, when you help others, you feel happy and satisfied,î he continued. ìWe, at UD, are hoping to spread happiness not solely among our students, but also expand it further to their families and parents,î Dr. Al Bastaki concluded after proposing ideas for initiating a healthy, positive lifestyle at UD. The Chief of Happiness and Director of Public Relations and Communications at UD Mr. Hikmat Beaini explained the process of achieving happiness at UD through a brief presentation. ìOur target is supplementing the educational sector with healthy elements which are†happiness and positivity,î said Mr. Beaini while re-affirming that the HPCís vison is to become a benchmark for happiness and positivity within the educational sector, both locally and internationally. The council also announced another upcoming meeting next week to start implementing the plans, researching, and looking at various measures to accurately formulate the agenda and define the target in terms of students and industry expectations.
