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Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with concentration in Communication Engineering

  • College Of Engineering & IT
  • undergraduate

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with concentration in Communication Engineering

Fall & Spring


Full & Part time

Study Mode

135 hours

Total Credit Hours

4 Years




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The bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Communication Engineering is administered by the College of Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT) at the University of Dubai to prepare students for immediate entry into the workplace or to pursue advanced graduate study. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):
    Graduates of the Communication Engineering program shall be:
  1. Involved in distinguished careers where communication engineering technical knowledge and skills are applied in a variety of businesses and inter-disciplinary settings.
  2. Perusing professional activities or postgraduate studies to continuously expand their skills and knowledge in communication engineering and related fields.
  3. Contributing to a team of professionals and performing leadership roles to tackle challenging communication engineering projects with awareness of ethical and social responsibilities.
  The program Student Outcomes (SOs) are:
  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Admission Requirement

 High School English  Math   Other
80% for Advanced Stream 75% for Elite Stream EmSAT 1100 or Academic IELTS 5.00 or TOEFL (PBT 500 or IBT 61 or CBT 173) EmSAT 900 or Pass the UD Math Placement Test  Physics EmSAT 800, or minimum high school Physics 80% Chemistry or Biology EmSAT 600, or minimum high school Chemistry or Biology 80%

Who is the program for?

The Bachelor’s program in Communication Engineering is typically designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of communication systems and technologies. This program focuses on the principles and practices of designing, analyzing, and implementing various communication systems such as wireless networks, telecommunications, satellite systems, data transmission, and more. The program is usually offered by universities or colleges that have departments or faculties of engineering or telecommunications. The specific curriculum may vary depending on the institution, but common courses in a Communication Engineering program often include:
  1. Digital Signal Processing
  2. Telecommunications Principles
  3. Wireless Communication Systems
  4. Data Communication and Networking
  5. Microwave Engineering
  6. Antenna Design
  7. Communication System Design
  8. Network Security
  9. Information Theory
  10. Error Control Coding
By completing this program, students gain knowledge and skills in areas such as signal processing, network protocols, wireless communication technologies, and data transmission techniques. This prepares them for various career opportunities in industries related to telecommunications, networking, wireless technologies, and information technology. Graduates of a Bachelor’s program in Communication Engineering can pursue careers as communication engineers, network engineers, telecommunications specialists, wireless systems engineers, or work in research and development roles related to communication technologies. They can find employment in industries such as telecommunications companies, IT companies, research organizations, government agencies, and more.

Career Opportunities

A Bachelor’s degree in Communication Engineering can open up several career opportunities in various industries. Here are some common career paths for graduates:
  1. Communication Engineer: Communication engineers design, develop, and maintain communication systems and networks. They work on projects related to wireless communication, satellite systems, data transmission, and telecommunications. They may be involved in system design, network optimization, troubleshooting, and ensuring efficient communication infrastructure.
  2. Network Engineer: Network engineers are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing computer networks within an organization. They configure routers, switches, firewalls, and other networking devices to ensure smooth data transmission. Communication engineering graduates often possess the skills and knowledge required for network engineering roles.
  3. Telecommunications Specialist: Telecommunications specialists focus on the installation, operation, and maintenance of communication equipment and systems. They may work with telephony systems, fiber optic networks, wireless communication technologies, and related infrastructure. Their role involves troubleshooting issues, conducting performance analysis, and implementing improvements.
  4. Wireless Systems Engineer: Wireless systems engineers specialize in designing and implementing wireless communication technologies, such as cellular networks, Wi-Fi networks, and wireless sensor networks. They may work on areas like signal propagation, network optimization, frequency management, and ensuring reliable wireless connections.
  5. Research and Development Engineer: Graduates of Communication Engineering programs can also pursue careers in research and development (R&D). In this role, they contribute to the advancement of communication technologies by conducting experiments, analyzing data, developing new protocols or algorithms, and designing innovative solutions.
  6. Technical Sales Engineer: Technical sales engineers bridge the gap between technical knowledge and sales. They work closely with clients, understanding their requirements, and proposing communication solutions that meet their needs. Communication engineering graduates with strong communication and interpersonal skills can excel in this role.
  7. Project Manager: With experience and additional skills in project management, communication engineering graduates can take on project management roles. They oversee the planning, execution, and completion of communication-related projects, ensuring they meet deadlines, stay within budget, and fulfill client requirements.
These are just a few examples of the career paths available to Communication Engineering graduates. The specific opportunities may vary based on individual skills, interests, and market demands. Continuing education, such as pursuing a Master’s degree or obtaining industry certifications, can further enhance career prospects and open up senior-level or specialized positions.

Estimated salary range

The salary range for a bachelor’s degree holder in Communication Engineering in the UAE can vary depending on several factors, including years of experience, job position, industry, company size, and location. It’s important to note that the figures provided are estimates and can fluctuate based on market conditions and individual negotiations. Here is a general overview of the salary range:
  1. Entry-Level Positions: For fresh graduates with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Engineering, the starting salary range can be around AED 4,000 to AED 8,000 per month. These positions typically include roles such as junior communication engineer, network engineer, or telecommunications specialist.
  2. Mid-Level Positions: With a few years of experience, professionals in mid-level positions can expect higher salaries. The salary range for mid-level communication engineering roles can be approximately AED 8,000 to AED 15,000 per month. These positions may include communication engineer, network engineer, wireless systems engineer, or project engineer.
  3. Senior-Level Positions: As professionals gain more experience and take on senior-level or managerial positions, their salaries can increase significantly. The salary range for senior-level communication engineering roles can be around AED 15,000 to AED 30,000 per month or higher. These positions may include senior communication engineer, network manager, telecommunications manager, or project manager.
It’s worth mentioning that certain industries such as telecommunications, information technology, and government sectors may offer higher salary ranges compared to other sectors. Additionally, professionals with additional certifications, specialized skills, or advanced degrees may command higher salaries within the industry. It is advisable to research and consult local job market trends and industry reports for the most up-to-date salary information in the UAE. Salary negotiations are also common in the UAE, so candidates can negotiate their salary based on their qualifications, experience, and the specific requirements of the job.

Study Plan

Year 1
  Code Course Title Pre-Req Credits   Code Course Title Pre-Req Credits
Semester 1 ENGL 110 English 1   3 Semester 2 ENGL 120 English 2 ENGL 110 3
EMTH 100 Calculus 1   3 EMTH 150 Calculus 2 EMTH 100 3
GPHY 100   General Physics 1*   3 GPHY 150 General Physics 2* GPHY 100 3
GECE 100   Chemistry  1 3 ENAP 150 Computer Algorithms & Programing* 3
ENIN 100   Engineering  Innovation 3 Humanities and Social Science Requirements (3CHs) ENGL 110 3
    GISL 100 Islamic Thought 3
  15 15   33 18
Year 2
  Code Course Title Pre-Req Credits   Code Course Title Pre-Req Credits
Semester 3 EMTH 200 Calculus 3   EMTH 150 3 Semester 4 BMNG200   Management & Organization Behavior Co-requisite ENGL 120 3
EMTH 250 Advanced Math I EMTH 150 3 EMTH 260   Advanced Math II EMTH 250 3
ENMA 200 MATLAB 1 ENGL 220 Communication Skills ENGL 120 3
ENDD 200 Digital Logic Design*   4 ENEL 250 Electronics I * ENEC 200 4
ENEC 200 Electric Circuits I* EMTH150, GPHY 150 4 ENEC 250 Electric Circuits 2 ENEC 200 3
GEST 100 Emirati Study 3
  51 18   67 16
Year 3
  Code Course Title Pre-Req Credits   Code Course Title Pre-Req Credits
Semester 5 ENSS 300 Signals & Systems* EMTH 260 3 Semester 6 ENEE 300   Engineering Economics EMTH100 3
ENPR 300 Probability  &Random Process EMTH150 3 GIEC 105 Innovation, Entrepreneurship &Career Planning ENGL 120 3
ENMP 300 Micro Processor* ENDD 200 4 ENCS 300 Commutations  Systems* ENSS 300 4
ENEL 300 Electronics II* ENEL250 3 EECS 300 Control Systems ENSS 300 3
ENMG300 Electromagnetic GPHY150, EMTH200, EMTH 250 3 ENDP 350 Digital Signal Processing  ENSS 300 3
  83 16   99 16
  ENIN 410 or ENIN 470 Graduate Trainee (GT) / Learn Earn And Progress (LEAP) Program or Industry Project ≥ 90 CH 6
  105 6      
Year 4
  Code Course Title Pre-Req Credits   Code Course Title Pre-Req Credits
Semester 7 CEDC 400 Digital Communications   ENMA 200, ENCS 300 3 Semester 8 CEIC 400 IT & Coding  ENCS300, ENPR 300 3
CECN 400 Communications  Networks* ENAP 150 3 CEAP 400 Antenna &Propagation ENSS 300, ENMG 300 3
Technical Elective 1 3 Technical Elective 3   3
Technical Elective 2   3 Technical Elective 4   3
ENPR 401 Graduation Project -1* ≥90 3 ENPR 402 Graduation Project -2* ENPR 401 3
  120 15   135 15

Courses Descriptions

EMTH100     Calculus I for Engineering

This Calculus course is intended for engineering students, and it is the first in a three-course sequence. It covers mathematical concepts used in solving physical and engineering problems. Topics include function, graphs, algebra of functions, limits, Continuity, differentiation rules, tangents, the product and quotient rules, the chain rule, Implicit differentiation, derivatives of inverse functions,  applications of derivatives, rate of change, related rates,  extreme values of functions, critical points, optimization,  definite and indefinite integrals, integration, estimating area,  the fundamental theorem of calculus,  the substitution rule,  and the definition of a logarithm in terms of integrals.

GPHY150   General Physics II

This course is a continuation of GPHY-100, General Physics I. Calculus-based introduction to classical electricity and magnetism, including such topics as, electric charge and electric fields, Gauss’s law, electric potential, capacitance, current, resistance, and circuits, DC circuits, Ampere’s law, magnetic fields, and fields due to currents, induction and inductance, magnetism of matter, Maxwell’s equations, and electromagnetic oscillations. The course is taught in a lecture/workshop format that integrates the material traditionally found in separate lecture and laboratory courses.

EMTH150   Calculus II for Engineering

This is the second in the three-course sequence in Calculus intended for students majoring in engineering. It emphasizes the understanding of concepts, and using them to solve physical problems. The course covers techniques of integration including Trigonometric integrals and substitution, integration by parts, partial fractions, improper integrals, applications of integration, area between curves, Volumes, average value, arc length, areas of surfaces of revolution, matrix operations, infinite sequences and Series,  representing functions by infinite series, convergence and divergence of series,  Taylor and Maclaurin series, binomial Series, parametric equations, parametric curves, and polar coordinates.

EMTH200    Calculus 3

This is the third in the three-course sequence in Calculus intended for students majoring in engineering. The distinct feature of this course is its focus on the multi-dimensional analysis, as opposed to one-dimensional analysis covered in EMTH 100 (Calculus I) and EMTH 150 (Calculus II). This course is a study of the calculus of functions (two or more variables), also including a study of vectors, vector-valued functions and their derivatives. Other topics covered include limits, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, Stokes’ Theorem, Green’s Theorem, the Divergence Theorem, and applications in physics.

BMNG200   Management and Organization Behavior

The purpose of this course is to discuss the nature of management practices in relation to UAE organizations. The course develops an understanding of the behavior of people within UAE organizations and the significance of managing this behavior in today’s business environment. The coverage includes Introduction to management and organizational behavior Diversity in Organizations, Attitude and Job satisfaction, Emotions and mood, Personality and value, Review and case Perception and Individual decision making, Motivation: concepts to application, Building groups into teams, Communicating for understanding and results, Leadership, Power and politics.

ENGL 110   English for Science and Technology I

The goal of this course is to measurably build on students’ academic English language skills designed specifically for students of Engineering and IT by engaging them in listening, reading, writing, relevant to real world encounters in university and professional workplace environments. There is also a focus throughout on key ICT and Electrical Engineering related vocabulary that students will need for their future careers

ENGL 120   English for Science and Technology 2

The purpose of this course is to follow on from the English for Science and Technology 1 and further build on students’ academic English language skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing relevant to real-world encounters in university and professional workplace environments. There is also a specific focus on more advanced technical language and writing that is needed in ICT and Electrical Engineering fields.

ENGL220   Communication Skills

This course has been developed to enhance and further students written skills at tertiary level as well as work place. The main focus of the course is to produce well written assignments such as reports, longer essays, surveys and technical writing for ICT and Engineering students. Also, it aims to improve skills that are needed some of which include, analysing written data, how to research to find data, reference to avoid plagiarism. In addition to the academic vocabulary, they have to learn new conventions of style for different types of writing.

GECE 100   General Chemistry I

General Chemistry I at UD provides students with an introduction to chemistry, targeting students who have not had an advanced chemistry course in high school at the same time used to fulfill part of the requirement in the Natural Sciences category. Students will develop specific chemical concepts that will be discussed within the context of a variety of chemistry related applications. Topics covered include but not limited to measurement and units, matter and energy, stoichiometry and chemical equations, gases, thermochemistry, electronic structure of atoms, periodic trends, molecular bonding and structure, intermolecular forces, solution chemistry, equilibrium, oxidation-reduction reactions, and nuclear chemistry.

GPHY 100   General Physics I

This will be an introductory but intense course in calculus-based physics focusing on linear and rotational dynamics and aspects of waves. The course kicks off with Newton’s laws of motion, how to apply Newton’s laws to systems that undergo translational, rotational, and vibrational motion. The goal will be to understand and apply the fundamental concepts involved. All physical sciences and engineering is based upon the foundation of mechanics and students will gain an appreciation of the basic underlying principles used and experience an increase in analytical ability that will carry over to whatever discipline he or she chooses to pursue.

ENAI 400   Audio and Image Processing

This course deals with the digital processing of audio and image signals in time and frequency domains. The course covers topics in audio analysis, image representation, image interpolation, 2D filtering, image enhancement, image restoration, image segmentations and image watermarking.

ENAP 150   Computer Algorithms and Programming

The course deals with the core ideas and skills required while programming and how to take an initial idea for an application, understand it and how to break it apart into the right pieces so that one can know what code to write for each piece. This course introduces students to problem-solving and analysis, algorithms and their implementation, data types, variables, expressions, control structure, selection, repetition, functions and their parameters, arrays, structures, strings, files, and pointers.

CENDD 200    Digital Logic Design

This course introduces the student to the basic components and methodologies used in digital systems design.  To provide a thorough background, at the introductory level, of the logical (mathematical) and electrical basis for digital system design. Major building blocks for designing digital systems will be examined and used which include gates, MUXes, DEMUXes, decoders, encoders, comparators, various arithmetic blocks, flip-flops, counters, registers, RAMs/ROMs, PLDs and FPGAs. This course is the gateway to all other digital system courses in the program.

ENDP 350   Digital Signal Processing

This course deals with the digital processing of signals in time and frequency domains. The course covers the following topics: Basic Concepts: Sampling, aliasing, quantization, Digital Filters: Difference equations, impulse and step responses, frequency response, z-plane zeros and poles, FIR Filters: Design and analysis, linear phase characteristics, realizations, IIR Filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev, Elliptic, realizations, stability, transient analysis, Complex Filters: FIR, IIR, realizations, State Space Analysis: State space equations, state space parameters, Fourier Analysis: DFT, FFT DCT, spectrum, spectrograph, cepstrum, Fourier Processing: Block diagram, Signal segmentation, overlapping, DSP Implementation: DSP chips, integer and floating point processors, errors, parallel processing, DSP Applications: Communications, audio, image.

ENEC 200   Electric Circuits I

This course serves as an introduction to the principles of electrical engineering, starting from the basic concepts of voltage and current and circuit elements of resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Basics of DC circuit analysis are taught using Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws with Thevenin and Norton equivalents. Circuit analysis is taught using Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws with Thevenin and Norton equivalents. Circuits with ideal op-amps, Inductance and capacitance are introduced and the transient response of RL, RC and RLC circuits to step inputs is established. Practical aspects of the properties of passive devices and batteries are discussed, as are the characteristics of battery powered circuitry. The laboratory component incorporates use of both computer and manually controlled instrumentation including power supplies, signal generators and oscilloscopes to reinforce concepts discussed in class as well as circuit design and simulation software.

ENEE 300   Engineering Economics

This course highlights the relationship between economics and engineering. It discusses the different economic issues related to engineering projects such as budgeting, cost of operation and maintenance, salvage value, depreciation, payback, and taxation. Students learn to perform economic analysis methods like present worth, annual cost, rate of return (RoR), project life cycle, benefit-cost ratio to evaluating engineering projects from an economic point of view.

ENEL 250   Electronics I

This course focuses on the operation, modeling and analysis of basic electronic components such as diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors BJT’s and Field-Effect Transistors (FET’s) as well as introduction of amplifier configurations. Small signal modeling of BJTs and MOSFETs is performed, as well as introductory analysis of BJTs and FETs amplifier circuits. Operational amplifiers are introduced, covering principles and applications. The laboratory experiments associated with this course involve circuit simulations using EDA tools and measurement.

ENEL 300   Electronics II

This is the second course in a two-course sequence in analog and digital electronic circuit analysis and design. Having attained basic knowledge of electronic devices like diodes, transistors, FET’s and elementary circuits, this course will enable the students to learn about the use of transistors in analog circuits like power amplifier, multistage amplifier etc. The laboratory experiments associated with this course involve circuit simulations using Spice, NI Elvis boards and measurement.

ENES 400   Embedded Systems

The purpose of this course is to expose students to both the fundamentals of hardware and firmware design of a digital embedded system. It focuses on the boundary between hardware and software operations. Students will learn about a computer system from various abstraction levels from the digital logic gates to software applications. Topics include – Fundamental design techniques & concepts of embedded systems, architecture and programming of embedded processors, basic services provided by real-time operating system (“RTOS”) kernels, design and development of code and application software, interfacing, device drivers and input/output devices, applications of embedded systems in consumer electronics, automotive, aerospace, mobile, digital control, and other real time systems. Thus, this course will provide a solid foundation in computer systems architecture. Depending on the interests of the students, other topics may be covered.

ENIN 100   Engineering Innovations

This is a college-entry level course for motivating high school students to be interested in (or curiosity about) engineering. The course introduces students to the concepts of innovative thinking and innovation practices. It uses lectures, case studies, team exercises, the Spotlight on Innovation, and guest speakers to teach valuable life skills in innovative thought and action. The course introduces students to the concept of Engineering, why engineering is needed, and how engineers accomplish their goals. The course also demonstrates engineering design and problem-solving basic concepts. Students are also introduced into the sustainability concept. Finally, the course introduces students to professional engineering organizations, such as the IEEE.

ENIN 400   Graduate Trainee

The course exposes the students to the work environment in companies and research labs. They will be involved in projects that are related to the engineering disciplines. The students will learn about work ethics and improve their communication skills.  The course is a very unique course since it will help the student to choose the industry sector that they want to be employed after graduation. graduation. In addition, the course provides the working student an opportunity to develop competence in applying learned theories and gained skills to an actual electrical engineering problem. A student will undertake a supervised project to tackle an existing technical problem or an available opportunity for improvement at his organization, explore possible causes of the problem, develop alternative solutions, and assess the effect(s) of each solution on the organization.

ENIN 410   Graduate Trainee

The course exposes the students to the work environment in companies and research labs. They will be involved in projects that are related to the engineering disciplines. The students will learn about work ethics and improve their communication skills.  The course is a very unique course since it will help the student to choose the industry sector that they want to be employed after graduation.

CEOC 400   Optical Communications

This course has been designed to demonstrate the elements that drive the growth in optical communication systems. Students thus begin with a foundation and working principles of modern photonics concepts/terminology, major opto- electronic devices/components, optical wave propagation, optical transmission characteristics, optical communication systems, and device measurement/handling. Detailed coverage of important optical networks for future communication applications and the integration of both the facilitating technologies and the networks that result, are being considered. Specialist knowledge of the strategies and techniques involved in the design and implementation of optical communication systems is the concern of this course.

EECS 300   Control Systems

This course is intended to introduce students to the concepts and techniques of classical control and to briefly introduce some concepts of modern control and discrete-time. The main goal is to study the concept of time response and frequency response of the system and to teach the basics of stability analysis of the system. Students will become familiar with analytical methods and will be exposed extensively to the use of computers for analysis and design of control systems.

ENMG 300   Electromagnetics

The course provides the foundations of Electromagnetics EM fields, static and time varying, and a study of propagation, reflection and transmissions of electromagnetic waves in unbounded regions and in transmission lines. Maxwell’s equations, the wave equation, Poynting theorem, boundary conditions and transmission line equations are explained. Modes of EM propagation in homogeneous waveguides such as Transverse Electric and Magnetic TEM, Transverse Electric TE, and Transverse Magnetic TM are discussed. Modern applications of electromagnetics are broad and include electromagnetic phenomena, including wireless and optical communications are also introduced.

CESC 400   Satellite Communication

The course is intended to lay the foundations for more advanced studies in satellite communication systems. It examines satellite communication with emphasis on current satellite systems and their link budgets. Topic will include overview of satellite services, orbital mechanics, transmission losses, the link budget power equation, system noise, carrier to noise ratio, the combined uplink and downlink C/N, possible modes of interference, interference between the different satellite circuits, satellite access techniques.

ENCS 300   Communication Systems

This course introduces the fundamentals of basic communication systems. The first part of the class covers topics in analog communication. Beginning with basic Fourier transform properties, techniques for analog modulation and demodulation will be developed. Various modulation and demodulation techniques used in analog communication, noise handling and multiplexing. Insights to these problems will be uncovered along the way.

ENEC 250   Electric Circuits II

This course serves the continuation of the Circuits I course. Circuits with ideal op-amps, Inductance and capacitance are introduced and the transient response of RL, RC and RLC circuits to step inputs is established. This course also covers the fundamentals of AC circuit analysis starting with the study of sinusoidal steady-state solutions for circuits in the time domain. The complex plane is introduced along with the concepts of complex exponential functions, phasors, impedances and admittances. Nodal, loop and mesh methods of analysis as well as Thevenin and related theorems are applied to the complex plane. The concept of complex power is developed. The analysis of mutual induction as applied to coupled-coils. Linear, ideal and non-ideal transformers are introduced. Complex frequency analysis is introduced to enable discussion of transfer functions, frequency dependent behavior, Bode plots, resonance phenomenon and simple filter circuits. Two-port network theory is developed and applied to circuits and interconnections.

ENIN 470   Industrial Project

The purpose of this course is to provide the working student an opportunity to develop competence in applying learned theories and gained skills to an actual electrical engineering problem. A student will undertake a supervised project to tackle an existing technical problem or an available opportunity for improvement at his organization, explore possible causes of the problem, develop alternative solutions, and assess the effect(s) of each solution on the organization.


This course introduces the students to MATLAB so that they can write M.files for solving a variety of Engineering Problems. The lab covers the following topics:

Basic Concepts: Data types, loops, arrays, character strings, logical operations, complex numbers, matrices, polynomials, numerical analysis, functions

M.Files: Programming and debugging

Plotting: 2D, 3D, curve fitting and exporting graphical files

Toolboxes: Importing and exporting audio and image files

Graphical User Interface: dialogue boxes, capturing mouse actions

ENMP 300   Microprocessors Fundamentals

Studies of architecture, operation, programming, and application of Atmel microprocessor system. The topics include introduction to Atmel microcontroller, microprocessor architecture; assembly language programming; exceptions and interrupts; general-purpose input/output; timer function; memory and address decoding; analog input/output; and serial data communications. Students must be familiar with high-level programming language and conventional techniques in designing digital logic circuits using discrete logics. Specifically, they must be familiar with flowcharting, program coding, conversion of numbers among various number systems, logic function minimization, timing analysis, and functions of standard MSI combinational and sequential circuits such as decoder, multiplexer, encoder, comparator, adder, subtractor, flip-flops, shift registers, and counters.

ENPR 300   Probability and Random Process

This course presents the fundamentals of probability theory and random processes needed by students in the area of communication theory, computer networks, signal/image processing, control theory, and other related disciplines with a solid background in probability and random processes. Topics covered include Overview of Probability Theory, Basics of Random Variables, Probability Mass Function (PMF), Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), Expectation, mean, variance, Discrete Random Variable Families, Continuous Random Variable Families, Operations on Random Variable, Multiple of Random Variables, Probabilistic Models, limit theory and Random variables in fields of engineering.

ENPR 401   Graduation Project 1

ENPR 401 Graduation Project 1 is the first in a two-semester design course oriented to the solution of engineering problems. The course aims to enhance engineering education through a graduation project experience that integrates engineering theory, principles and processes within a collaborative environment. Working in a team and following an engineering design process, students will assess customer needs and engineering specifications, and critically evaluate the solution space to plan for a successful project execution. The process for the team assignments/formation is based on students interests and a balance of the team academic performance. Each team will have 2-4 members.

ENPR 402   Graduation Project 2

ENPR 402 Graduation Project 2 is the second in a two-semester design course oriented to the solution of engineering problems. The course aims to enhance engineering education through a graduation project experience that integrates engineering theory, principles and processes within a collaborative environment. In ENPR 402 the focus will be on resolving major technical hurdles encountered in ENPR 401, and to implement the proposed design to develop a prototype which is fully tested and documented.

ENSS 300   Signals and Systems

This course helps the student develop one of the key abilities of an engineer – system-level thinking. In particular, students will see how the math and physics they have learned in other courses help them understand rather complex systems that occur in engineering (with applications to communication systems, biomedical imaging, control, and robotics). Topics covered include introduction to signals and systems with examples, classification of signals and systems, Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems, Laplace Transform, z – Transform, Analysis of discrete time LTI systems using z-Transform, Fourier series and their properties, Continuous Time Fourier Transform (CTFT) and Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) Fourier Transform, Properties of Fourier Transform, and Parsevel’s relation.

CEAP 400   Antennas and Propagation

Antenna fundamentals, Radiation from a short current dipole, Far-field approximation, Radiation pattern, Radiation resistance. Radiation integral approach, dipole and monopole antennas, Antenna arrays, Broadside and end-fire arrays, Pattern multiplication, Pattern synthesis, Binomial and Chebyshev arrays, Reflector antennas, Sky-wave and space-wave propagation, line-of-sight microwave links.

CEDC 400   Digital Communications

The course provides basic principles of the analysis and design of modern digital communication systems. Topics include baseband transmission, bandpass modulation and demodulation techniques, optimum receiver design and performance of digital communication systems in the presence of noise.

CEIC 400   IT and Coding

The course begins with a directed review of probability. The course then introduces information theory and how to measure information, entropy, joint and conditional entropies, mutual information, discrete memoryless channels, binary symmetric channel (BSC), channel capacity and Shannon limit. Source coding will be studied including Shannon-Fano coding and Huffman coding. In addition, channel coding techniques will be discussed including block codes, convolutional codes. Channel decoding techniques will also be covered including minimum hamming distance decoding, syndrome decoding and Viterbi algorithm.

EMTH 250   Advanced Math I for Engineering

This course introduces ordinary differential equations with a focus on the solution techniques for first order equations, higher order homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients, linear and almost linear systems, and Laplace transforms. The course also covers basic topics of linear algebra, including linear systems, basic properties of matrices, vector spaces, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

EMTH 260   Advanced Math II for Engineering

This is the second and final course in the two-course sequence in Advanced Mathematics intended for students majoring in engineering. Topics covered include the complex number system analysis and manipulations, Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, properties of Fourier transform, Z-Transform, properties of Z-Transform, inverse Z-transform, solution of first order linear PDEs

CECN 400   Communication Networks

This course focuses on theory behind the computer networks. It discusses how local area networks, wide area networks and global Internet, are built. Topics covered include the OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP protocols, Transport Layer, Connection oriented Transport, Flow control, Congestion control, Routing algorithms, IP addressing, Subnetting, Data Link Layer, Channel access schemes, Error Detection and Error Correction, LAN’s, Mac Addresses, ARP and RARP, Ethernet, Error Detection and Error Correction, and Network Security.

CEWC 400   Wireless Communications

This course will cover current wireless system design as well as advanced wireless communication systems. It will include an overview of current wireless systems related to channel models including path loss and statistical multipath channel models; fundamental capacity limits of wireless channels; digital modulation and its performance in fading and under intersymbol interference; techniques to combat fading to increase capacity and diversity, intersymbol interference including equalization, multicarrier modulation (OFDM), and spread spectrum; and multiuser system design, including multiple access techniques.

ELCE 400   Artificial Intelligence

The course covers the concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI), teaches students the methods of solving problems using AI and introduces them to the concepts of machine learning and deep learning. Topics covered in this course include an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Solving Problems by Searching, Beyond Classical Search, Adversarial Search, Logical Agents, Probabilistic Reasoning, Machine Learning, Learning from Examples Learning Probabilistic Models, Reinforcement Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, and Applications of AI (Natural Language Processing, Robotics, Vision, Power Systems).

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