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Debate Club – PSUAD Competition

PSUAD Competition
EnglishStudent Services

Debate Club – PSUAD Competition

In March, members of UD’s Debate Club participated in the SUADMUN 2021 conference. This conference is a simulation of the United Nations in the form of a weekend-long event that puts students from various local universities into scenarios that represent the organizations directly or indirectly linked to the United Nations. UD students Rubalavanyan and Shehanaz participated as delegates and were able to show their communication skills and diplomacy in the conference. UD students Mohamed and Tariq attended as moderators who are in charge of judging delegates on their performance. After the end of the SUADMUN 2021 conference, the UD Debate Club came away with two awards:

  1. Most diplomatic (silver): Rubalavanyan Vamadeva
  2. Honorable Mention (bronze): Shehanaz Amiroon
