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BBA Customs Administration

  • Dubai Business School
  • undergraduate

BBA Customs Administration

Fall & Spring


Full & Part Time

Study Mode

123 hours

Total Credit Hours

4 Years




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This program has been designed to meet the growing demand in customs and international trade sectors. It is designed to provide immediate value by focusing on core competencies directly applicable to their roles, enhancing operational efficiency, and addressing the industry’s urgent need for qualified personnel equipped with relevant, up-to-date knowledge. This program strategically aligns with Dubai’s D33 objectives, which aim to transform Dubai into one of the top three global hubs for finance, trade, tourism, and sustainability by 2033. The programme is a combination of courses from the Core courses and Majors in Customs, Supply Chain and Logistics.

This program aims to meet the immediate workforce requirements of our strategic partners, fosters a skilled talent pool that supports the broader D33 objectives of economic growth and international trade expansion. By ensuring that the educational offerings are closely aligned with industry needs and standards, the University of Dubai continues to contribute significantly to the region’s competitiveness on a global scale.

Admission Requirement

High School English Math
75% for General Stream 70% for Advanced or Elite Stream EmSAT 1100 or Academic IELTS 5.00 or TOEFL (PBT 500 or IBT 61 or CBT 173) EmSAT 600 or UD math placement test

Who is the program for?

A BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) in Customs Administration is a specialized degree program designed for individuals interested in pursuing a career in customs and international trade. It is particularly relevant for individuals who aspire to work in government agencies, customs departments, international trade organizations, logistics companies, freight forwarders, and other related fields. The program equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the principles and practices of customs administration, international trade regulations, import/export procedures, logistics and supply chain management, tariff classifications, trade agreements, risk management, and compliance. Students pursuing a BBA in Customs Administration will gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal, economic, and operational aspects of international trade. They will learn how to navigate customs regulations, ensure compliance with import/export laws, manage documentation and logistics processes, and effectively communicate with stakeholders involved in global trade. The program is suitable for individuals who have an interest in international business, customs operations, trade policies, and logistics management. It can be a valuable choice for those who enjoy working with regulations, have an attention to detail, possess analytical skills, and are interested in the complexities of international trade. Upon completion of the program, graduates can pursue careers as customs officers, import/export specialists, trade compliance analysts, logistics coordinators, customs brokers, supply chain managers, or consultants in the field of customs administration and international trade.

Career Opportunities

A BBA in Customs Administration can lead to various career opportunities in the field of customs administration, international trade, and logistics. Here are some potential career paths for graduates:
  1. Customs Officer: Work in government customs agencies, enforcing customs regulations, conducting inspections, and ensuring compliance with import/export laws.
  2. Customs Broker: Assist importers and exporters in navigating customs procedures, ensuring compliance with regulations, and facilitating smooth customs clearance.
  3. Trade Compliance Specialist: Ensure adherence to international trade regulations and manage compliance programs for businesses engaged in global trade.
  4. International Trade Analyst: Conduct research and analysis on international trade policies, market trends, and trade agreements to support business decision-making.
  5. Supply Chain Manager: Oversee the movement of goods across borders, manage logistics operations, optimize supply chain efficiency, and ensure compliance with customs requirements.
  6. Import/Export Coordinator: Handle documentation, coordinate logistics, prepare customs declarations, and manage import/export processes for businesses engaged in international trade.
  7. Logistics Manager: Manage the transportation, warehousing, and distribution of goods, ensuring timely and cost-effective movement across borders.
  8. Trade Consultant: Provide advisory services to businesses on customs regulations, trade compliance, market entry strategies, and international trade practices.
  9. Freight Forwarder: Arrange transportation and logistics services for importers and exporters, coordinate customs clearance, and manage shipping documentation.
  10. International Trade Compliance Auditor: Conduct audits to assess the compliance of businesses with customs regulations, trade policies, and import/export requirements.
These are just a few examples of the career opportunities available to graduates of a BBA in Customs Administration. The field of customs administration and international trade offers a wide range of roles in both the public and private sectors, with opportunities for specialization and advancement.

Estimated salary range

The salary range for professionals in the field of customs administration, international trade, and logistics in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can vary depending on factors such as job position, level of experience, qualifications, and the specific industry or company. Here are approximate salary ranges for some positions in the UAE:
  1. Customs Officer: The salary range for customs officers in the UAE can vary from AED 8,000 to AED 20,000 per month, depending on the level of experience and position within the customs department.
  2. Customs Broker: Customs brokers in the UAE can earn salaries ranging from AED 8,000 to AED 25,000 per month, depending on their experience and the volume of customs clearance work they handle.
  3. Trade Compliance Specialist: The salary range for trade compliance specialists in the UAE is typically between AED 10,000 and AED 25,000 per month, depending on experience, qualifications, and the size of the company.
  4. Supply Chain Manager: The salary range for supply chain managers in the UAE can vary from AED 12,000 to AED 40,000 per month or more, depending on the industry, company size, and level of responsibility.
  5. Import/Export Coordinator: Import/export coordinators in the UAE can earn salaries ranging from AED 6,000 to AED 18,000 per month, depending on their experience, the complexity of the import/export operations they handle, and the industry.
  6. Logistics Manager: Salaries for logistics managers in the UAE typically range from AED 12,000 to AED 40,000 per month, depending on the size of the company, industry, and level of responsibility.
It’s important to note that these salary ranges are approximate and can vary based on individual factors and the economic conditions in the UAE. Additionally, certain industries or companies may offer higher salaries or additional benefits to attract and retain qualified professionals.

Study Plan

Year 1
Semester (1) – Fall - 15CH Semester (2) – Spring – 18CH
Code Course Name   Pre-requisite CH Code Course Name   Pre-requisite CH
ENGL 100 English I None 3 BACC 205 Principles of Financial Accounting None 3
GISL 100/105 Islamic Thought (Arabic/English) None 3 BECN 100 Microeconomics GMAT 115 ENGL 100 3
GMAT 110 Mathematics for Business I None 3 BBUS 200 Introduction to Responsible Business None 3
GITB 120 Introduction to Information Technology None 3 ENGL 105 English II ENGL 100 3
GEST 100 Emarati Studies ENGL 100 Co 3 GMAT 115 Mathematics for Business II GMAT 110 3
Elective 1 3
Year 2
Semester (3) – Fall – 18CH                  Semester (4) – Spring – 18CH
Code Course Name   Pre-requisite CH Code Course Name   Pre-requisite CH
BBUS 110 Fund. Of Innovation and Entrepreneurship ENGL 105 3 BMNG 200 Management and Organizational Behavior ENGL 100 3
BSTA 200 Statistical Analysis GMAT 115 3 BBUS 205 Quantitative Analysis in Business BSTA 200 3
ESPU 200 English for Special Purpose (Business) ENGL 105 3 BBUS 225 Research Methods BSTA 200 3
GCRT 200 Critical and Creative Thinking ENGL 105 3 GCMM 205 Communication & Negotiations Skills ENGL 105 3
BFIN 200 Principles of Financial Management BACC 205 3 Elective 3 3
Elective 2 3 BECN 225 Macroeconomics BECN 100 3
Year 3
Semester (5) – Fall – 15CH Semester (6) – Spring – 12CH
Code Course Name   Pre-requisite CH Code Course Name   Pre-requisite CH
BMNG 310 Operation Management BBUS 205 3 BBUS 400 Strategic Management Capstone 90 CH 3
BMRK 200 Principles of Marketing BECN 100 3 BCA 200 Customs Theory and Practice None 3
BBUS 305 Business Law ENGL 105 3 BCA 210 HSN Classification & Custom Tariff None 3
BMNG 315 International Business Management BBUS 200 3 BCA 310 Customs Valuation None 3
BBUS 343 Emerging Technologies in Business GITB 120 3
Year 4
Semester (7) – Fall – 12CH Semester (8) – Spring – 15CH
Code Course Name   Pre-requisite CH Code Course Name   Pre-requisite CH
BCA 300 International Agreements on Trade and Customs BCA 200 3 BCA 473 Industry Project 93 CH 6
BCA 320 Post-Clearance Audit None 3 BCA 410 Risk Management and Customs Intelligence None 3
BCA 400 Customs Procedure & Trade Facilitation   BCA 200 3 BCA 420 Technology, Border Security and Inspection None 3
Elective 4 3 BCA 440 Customs Investigations and Law Enforcement None 3

Course Descriptions

  • Required Business Courses (45 Credit Hours)

BBUS 200 Introduction to Business Administration 

This course provides students with an introduction to the fundamental principles of Business Administration. It examines the factors that lead towards successful administration of a business, and the achievement of organizational goals. The course covers topics such as Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Social Responsibility and Ethics, International Business, and MIS. Prerequisite: None.

BECN 100 Microeconomics

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the essential microeconomics tools to 1) study how consumers and businesses make decisions in the face of resource scarcity, 2) examine how their interactions in the market determines prices and quantities of goods, and 3) assess the efficiency of markets in the presence of government influence and under different market structures. It is hoped that as a result of taking this course, students will develop an appreciation of the economic way of thinking about real-world problems and develop interest in pursuing a career in economics.  Prerequisite: GMAT110: Mathematics for Business I.

BECN 225 Macroeconomics

This course provides an overview of determination of output; unemployment; interest rates, and inflation. Monetary and fiscal policies are discussed besides public debt and international economic issues. The course introduces basic models of macroeconomics and illustrates principles with the experience of the UAE and other economies. It also exposes students to the Islamic economics whenever applicable. Prerequisite: BECN 100 Microeconomics.

BSTA 200 Statistical Analysis

The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with the basic concepts of statistics and probabilities that will help them make decisions. Coverage includes: basic probability, sampling, hypothesis testing, simple and multiple regression models. Prerequisite: GMAT110: Mathematics for Business I.

BBUS 225 Research Methods

The purpose of this course is to enable students acquire the skills necessary to develop scientific research proposal. It will enable the students undertake systematic research using empirical and non-empirical approaches, conduct literature review and structure and manage a research project on UAE firms.  Prerequisite: BSTA 200: Statistical Analysis.

BACC 205 Principles of Financial Accounting

The course introduces students to accounting concepts, principles, and processes underlying the production of financial statements, and also analyzes measurement and reporting of business transactions to users of financial statements. Prerequisite: None

BBUS 205 Quantitative Analyses in Business

This course is considered as an introduction to recent developments in quantitative techniques with particular emphasis on management applications. Techniques include linear programming, descriptive statistics, probability, expectations, games and decisions, testing of hypotheses, analysis of variance, and operations research. Suitable software will be used to help solve the problems. Prerequisite: BSTA 200 Statistical Analysis.

BFIN 200 Principles of Financial Management

The purpose of this course is to help student an understanding management of finance within a business organization. The coverage includes the sources of finance, the basic financial techniques such as TVM technique used for making decisions in relation to valuation of financial instruments, risk and return trade off. Prerequisite: BACC 205 Principles of Financial Accounting.

BMNG 200 Management & Organization Behavior

This course gives students a critical understanding of essential management functions such planning, organizing, leading/interpersonal influence, and managing in both local and international contexts. The course develops a management framework based on diverse corporate culture before broadening that environment to a global level. This course examines individual and group behavior in companies in depth. It teaches students how to manage businesses more successfully while also improving the quality of the work environment for employees. Motivation, individual and group behavior, employee diversity, attitude and job satisfaction, leadership, communication channels, group dynamics, job design, conflict, and power and politics are among the topics covered. Students should get a grasp of managerial responsibilities and the essential skills and have the necessary abilities to apply them in real-world circumstances.

BMRK 200 Principles of Marketing

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the marketing process, global market place and consumers, integrated marketing communication and marketing plan. Prerequisite: None

BBUS 305 Business Law

This course focuses on business law within the context of contract and civil law. Topics include legal forms of business organization & ownership, contract & sales law, government regulation of business, laws relating to business, bankruptcy, finance, banking, and insurance.  Prerequisite: ENGL 105 English II.

BMNG 310 Operations Management

Operations management is an area of business concerned with the production of goods and services in a wide range of contemporary contexts.  It involves the study of concepts, theories and techniques relating to the operations functions in both manufacturing and service organizations. The course will cover classical topics in operations management including forecasting, inventory management, capacity planning, location planning, quality management, waiting lines, supply chain management. Case studies are used to provide a comprehensive knowledge of the theories, current practices, and trends. Prerequisite: BBUS 205: Quantitative Analyses in Business.

BMNG 315 International Business Management

This course aims at introducing students to the various practices, environments, and functions involved in the field of international business. It includes analysis of the environmental factors (such as culture, communication, behavior) at the international, national and industry levels. The course addresses the functional areas of business (Marketing, Finance, Production, and Human resources), and assesses, in this respect, the global competitiveness of the UAE/ economy. Prerequisite: BBUS 100 Introduction to Business Administration.

BBUS 400 Strategic Management

The purpose of this course is to stimulate and develop students’ awareness and understanding of the key concepts of Strategic Management. The coverage includes situational analysis, the generation of choices of alternate actions and issues of implementation of the chosen course of action. Prerequisite: 90CH.

BBUS 343 Emerging Technologies in Business

The course focuses on introduction to emerging technologies and its application in the business context, both in public and private sectors. Emerging technologies such as Big-Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Block-Chain, Robotic Process Automation, Internet of things (IoT), and leverage these technologies to improve business management and performance.

  • Majors Courses (30 Credit Hours)

BCA 200 – Customs Theory and Practice

This course introduces the students to whole spectrum of Customs administration theory, policy and law. It focuses on the use of the modern customs management methods which leverage information and other contemporary technologies, risk management, in the execution of various customs procedures and processes. Prerequisites: None.

BCA 210 – Harmonized System, Classification and Customs Tariff

This course covers in detail the classification methodology of coding, describing and classifying goods under Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System which is developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization. It imparts practical classification and interpretation skills to the students. Prerequisites: None.

BCA 300 – International Agreements on Trade and Customs

This course covers the development key International Agreements on Trade and Customs. It explains the obligations, rights and privileges of the parties to various Trade and Customs Agreements. And it gives a comprehensive review of the role played of Customs in the day-to-day implementation of those Agreements. Prerequisites: BCUS 200 – Customs Theory and Practice.

BCA 310 – Customs Valuation

This course teaches the students to WTO Valuation Agreement and imparts knowledge and skills of using the six Customs Valuation Methods. It also handles the implementation aspects of these methods in the UAE and GCC context. Prerequisites: None.

BCA 320 – Post-Clearance Audit

Post-clearance Audit (PCA) is a type of customs control that has many benefits such as revenue protection, improvement traders’ compliance, detection, and prevention of fraud, increasing the efficiency of customs control, etc. The course helps learners to achieve comprehensive knowledge of organizing, managing, and performing Post-Clearance Audit in any Customs organization. Also, extra emphasis is put on inculcating PCA skills within the context of the United Arab Emirates and other GCC Countries. Prerequisites: None.

BCA 400 – Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation

This course deals with learning the best approaches and practices to implement the various customs procedures efficiently so as to achieve the governments objectives. It also focuses on effective trade facilitation and border management. Thus it makes ample use of the principles and standards enshrined in the Revised Kyoto Convention and the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement. Prerequisites: BCUS 200 – Customs Theory and Practice.

BCA 410 – Risk Management and Customs Intelligence

This course emphasizes the use of Risk Management to achieve various customs objectives (such as safety & security and trade facilitation) in an efficient manner. It covers Risk Management Techniques and Strategies in a Customs context. It also elaborates the role Customs Intelligence and highlights WCO initiatives in developing and sharing Intelligence. Prerequisites: None.

BCA 420 – Technology, Border Security and Inspection

The course covers the use of technology in border security and inspection. It addresses the theoretical, legal and managerial elements that are necessary for effective use of technologies. The course also has a practical part whereby students have the opportunity to use SIMFOX scanning/inspection simulations. Students are also trained in using Virtue Reality (VR) technology in customs inspection. Prerequisites: None.

BCA 440 – Customs Investigation and Law Enforcement

This course covers investigative procedures and processes. It teaches how to make best use international tools like the WCO Customs Enforcement Network to achieve success on national/regional levels. It also elaborates the basics investigation such as “first officer responsibilities”, “crime scene protection”, interviewing witnesses, and interrogating suspects to obtain confessions, etc. Prerequisites: None.

BCA 473 – Industry Project

The purpose of this course is to provide the working student an opportunity to develop competence in applying learned theories and gained skills to an actual business problem or issue. A student will undertake a supervised project to tackle an existing business problem or an available opportunity for improvement at his organization, explore possible causes of the problem, alternative solutions, and assess the effect(s) of each solution on the organization. Alternatively, a student may develop and document a business case dealing with an actual business problem that the organization managed to identify and solve it. Each student will present orally the result of his project in addition to a written report. Prerequisites: the completion of 90 CH.

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