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UD Achieves Milestone with 95% Smart Services


UD Achieves Milestone with 95% Smart Services

Dubai, UAE; February 10, 2015: The University of Dubai has achieved a milestone in its smart transformation with nearly 95% services offered through smart platforms, underlining its commitment to further enhance the academic services offered to students and faculty and promote their happiness and convenience. NasserNasser Al Muraqab, Manager†of Information Technology at the University of Dubai, said that the smart transformation of the university is in line with its commitment to adopt the latest in technology and its focus on linking education to modern technology. He said that the University is focused on leveraging smart applications for providing the highest standards in service delivery to students. He said that the students have responded positively to the initiative as the smart services help improve the performance of students and also meet their aspirations. He added that the number of beneficiaries of smart services have increased to over 850 including students, faculty and university administrators. The smart services provided by the University include areas such as admission, student information system, electronic library for research and books, as well as e-mail services and smart learning system. Al Muraqab said that these services will contribute to saving time for students especially in the admissions and registration process, which can now be implemented over smartphones. He explained that the smart services and programs of the University of Dubai include “Life system for university students” or CAMS, which empowers students and faculty with access to the use of electronic resources provided by the University. They can also access the grading system and other services through smart devices from inside or outside the campus. The smart services also include a new operating system for the staff of the university. The administrative procedures are also smart enabling administrators to do their tasks from outside the premises through smart devices. Al Muraqab said the university plans to launch a new service that allows the possibility of using tablet PCs in the classroom for students to follow lectures and classes. This is aimed at raising the level of communication between students and faculty at the university, and also helps student to attend lectures from home in case they are unable to arrive at the University. He noted that the new services will include a “Mobile learning” service that allows students to save lectures and watch them at any other time. The University also will work to develop a new system that allows parents with access to their children’s progress in academic performance. The University will launch these new launch these services as it shifts to its new premises in Dubai Academic City.
