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Dr. Ahmed Najim Mohammed Al Khafaji

Dr. Ahmed Najim Mohammed Al Khafaji

Assistant Professor

+971 4 5566 962

+971 4 5566 962

Dr. Ahmed Najim is an Assistant Professor in Mathematics at the GUCR. He has diverse research interests in Pure Mathematics (functional analysis- Fourier analysis and distributions) and has researched Applied Mathematics- specifically dynamical systems and differential equations. In 2000- Dr. Ahmed generalized and proved theorems in Graduate Mathematics with a thesis titled- "On Locally Convex Spaces of Distributions."
  • Ph.D. - Mathematics IIT Roorkee- India (2000)M.Sc.
  • Mathematics University of Baghdad- Iraq (1992)B.Sc.
  • Mathematics University of Baghdad- Iraq (1986)
Teaching Areas
Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Mathematical Logic, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Topology
Member- Organizing committee- UAE Mathematics Day conference
  1. "Fourier Analysis on locally Convex Spaces of Distributions I"-Demonstratio Mathematica- 36- No 3- pp. 697-709Najim- A.- (2003)-
  2. "Fourier Analysis on locally Convex Spaces of Distributions II"- Demonstratio Mathematica- 36- No 4- pp. 899- 913.
  3. Mathematical Modeling for HIV-1 and the CD4+ T Cells Stability. Nonlinear Analysis and Differential Equations Journal Vol. 3, 2015, no 3, p 143-154
Research Interests: Pure Mathematics (Functional Analysis & Fourier Analysis) Applied Mathematics Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems