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 University of Dubai Discusses Research Cooperation Opportunities with Italian Delegates 

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 University of Dubai Discusses Research Cooperation Opportunities with Italian Delegates 

An Italian delegation from 3 universities and leading business organizations visited the University of Dubai (UD), during which they met with its President Dr. Eesa Al Bastaki.

 During the visit, they discussed the possibilities of cooperation in the fields of scientific research, innovation and the exchange of faculty members and students. This initiative will contribute to enhancing the academic process, exchanging the best experiences and practices, developing the capabilities of both sides, in addition to signing memoranda of understanding and agreements in these areas.

The delegation included a number of professors from 3 universities and representatives from leading Italian companies focused on advanced technology.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Hussain Al-Ahmad, UD Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Nasser Al-Murqab, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, and Dr. Wathiq Mansour, Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology.

After welcoming the visiting delegation, Dr. Eesa Al Bastaki stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation and activating areas of contribution in joint research in order to serve innovation and sustainability. They also tackled the benefits of exchanging knowledge and human resources in various disciplines and fields.

He praised the development of universities and modern technology companies in Italy, and gave a general explanation of UD’s colleges, centers, research laboratories, smart building, programs and future plans.

Dr. Al Bastaki heard from the delegation an explanation about their strategies to develop education and scientific research, especially with regards to innovation and sustainability. They also spoke about their advanced programs and specializations, colleges and research centers.

After touring around UD campus and its research centers and laboratories, the delegation expressed their admiration towards the development of the university, its uniqueness, research capabilities, programs and study plans which are in line with the UAE’s mission and vision.
